Our Mission
To preserve the ocean for future generations to enjoy
Not only is it important to protect our oceans from more harm, but also help restore the damage that's already been done. And as you might have guessed, we like turtles! Turtl Project donates a percentage of all proceeds to CRAM: Conservation and Restoration of Marine Species.

Another question remaining is:
What do we do with the neoprene wetsuits already in circulation? To answer that question we started the Turtle Project Downcycling Program as a way to
give those old wetsuits a second life!

We guide ourselves by one simple principle: disrupt the market by creating the best performing wetsuit, with the smallest environmental impact, at the most accessible price. We spent over 2 years testing and re-designing prototypes, exploring every alternate material possible until finally ... we created a product we could feel proud to wear.

We are Business majors, Engineering graduates, former Professional Sailors and World Champions. Together we have over 80 years of experience in the watersports industry. We are all connected by our love for the ocean. You can find us on the water either surfing, kitesurfing, windsurfing, diving, wakeboarding or sailing.
Turtl Project originally started as an organization with the intention of cleaning up Barcelona's beaches. After removing all the trash we could find from the sand we ventured into the water to find more trash. That's when we realized that the wetsuits we were using to protect ourselves where actually more damaging to the ocean, than the trash sitting at the bottom. We started looking for eco-friendly wetsuits but couldn't find a reliable product at an affordable price. That's when we shifted our focus towards tackling this very problem.
All of our products and packaging are made from organic or recycled materials. All materials are sourced, manufactured and assembled through the most sustainable processes available.
Our aim is to continue growing with the least impact possible on our planet. If you are a company or organization that can help us achieve our goal, please contact us for a possible collaboration at hello@turtlproject.com